Activism Instead of Anatomy: The Sorry State of Medical School Curricula

If medical schools are short-changing rigorous training in science for the political indoctrination of future doctors, there are real consequences. Lives are on the line. This is why documenting the extent to which medical education has become politicized is critically important.
This report systematically examines the course catalogs of 20 leading medical schools
to identify the relative emphasis given to radical political goals compared to traditional
medical knowledge. It does this by searching for key terms that are emblematic of what can loosely be described as the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) political agenda as well as key terms associated with a scientific medical education. The findings confirm that social and political issues have begun to meaningfully crowd out traditional medical training in American medical schools. This is not an isolated development in a handful of atypical medical schools, but a broad change that is affecting the future of medical practice across the country.
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