Do No Harm welcomes anyone who wants to keep ideology out of healthcare. Every American’s health and well-being is at stake – so we need to do everything in our power to roll back the division and discrimination that are hurting medicine and ruining lives. Your voice and values are essential.

Becoming a member is easy. Simply fill out the form below, and if possible, chip in a couple bucks to help us advance our mission. 

By joining Do No Harm, you’ll take a stand on one of the most critical issues of our time. And together, we will make the difference America needs. The future of healthcare – and your own health – depends on it.

Membership Benefits

  • Join a community of medical professionals and others who share your concerns and are committed to taking action.
  • Receive regular news and research updates on the most critical issues in the fight to protect healthcare.
  • Learn about policies to support physicians and patients across local and federal government.
  • Get access to exclusive events, webinars and resources.
  • We protect our members' privacy. You choose how engaged you'd like to be.
  • Membership is $20, but we don’t want a financial barrier to stop anyone from joining Do No Harm. Select the level that works for you.

Do No Harm is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 87-4701865


I was written up and put on probation because I said I would object to a man claiming to be a woman being allowed in my minor daughter’s locker room, and that I would encourage my child to wait if he or she wanted to “transition.” Do No Harm helped and supported me through a difficult time.

I am nurse who serves low-income mothers in a large urban area. My workplace has replaced the words mother, woman, and breastfeeding with the dehumanizing, pseudoscientific terms “birthing bodies,” & “chestfeeding,” and wants us to ask if newborns are non-binary. This madness must end.

It’s shocking that we have been forced into even having to argue these biological points of gender. I applaud others who have already stated that “do no harm” includes all people worldwide. This is insulting to health care professionals – setting the record straight is imperative.