The Woke Establishment Reacts To Do No Harm

Do No Harm has been busy calling out the major medical institutions pushing a woke takeover of healthcare. Two of them – Harvard’s teaching hospital and the Association of American Medical Colleges – have taken offense. Now they’re trying to defend their divisive actions.
Both groups recently wrote letters to the Wall Street Journal. In response, our chairman, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, published his own letter in the Journal pointing out what these institutions aren’t telling the American people.
Regarding Harvard’s teaching hospital, Stan writes:
“Brigham and Women’s Sunil Eappen and Mallika Mendu claim, ‘We are not moving toward preferential care for any group.’ Yet last year their hospital announced a pilot initiative cast in exactly those terms: a ‘preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients.’ It’s a sign of things to come. Race-based care is a fundamental demand of the activist set.
Regarding the Association of American Medical Colleges, Stan writes:
“[They] should have discussed their organization’s forthcoming competencies on diversity, equity and inclusion. The latest version calls for physicians to be trained in identifying ‘a patient’s multiple identities and how each identity may present varied and multiple forms of oppression or privilege.’ It wants medical educators to be ‘role models’ who teach ‘how systems of power, privilege, and oppression’ inform healthcare. Another section focuses on ‘colonization’ and ‘white supremacy.’ This is not educating medical students about ‘environmental, social and economic factors that affect a patient’s health.’ It is indoctrination.
Stan ultimately concludes:
“These letters prove that a radical, divisive and discriminatory ideology has captured the commanding heights of the medical profession… Let’s call this what it is: dangerous and un-American.”