This Florida Medical School Only Wants Woke Students

Are you woke enough to attend Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine? Students literally have to prove it when submitting their application. It shows that medical schools are increasingly interested in pushing political ideology – and less concerned with training physicians.
A tipster who’s concerned by identity politics at FAU pointed us to this offensive requirement, which can be found in the list of secondary questions that applicants must answer. To start, they must show they believe in “anti-racism” and “systemic racism”:
“As a community FAU Schmidt COM has made a commitment to be anti-racist and address systemic racism in education and healthcare. Institutionalized racism can be defined as “macro level systems, social forces, institutions, ideologies, and processes that interact with one another to generate and reinforce inequities among racial and ethnic groups.” As a future medical student at FAU, how can you play an active role in addressing and dismantling systemic racism?”
This is an insult to students – and a danger to healthcare. “Anti-racism” is inherently divisive and leads to racial discrimination. The founder of anti-racism, Ibram X. Kendi, has made that clear by saying “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination; the only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
It gets worse. The FAU College of Medicine also asks students this:
“One of the values of the FAU Schmidt College of Medicine is to provide the best medical care for all people. A major challenge for all physicians to provide the best medical care are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). These can be defined as “conditions in the social, physical, and economic environment in which people are born, live, work, and age.” What will you as a future doctor do to address SDOH?”
Translation: Students need to prove their commitment to solving social problems like homelessness, poverty, and so on. That’s not what medical schools are designed to do, yet woke ideology demands that students be activists first and physicians second.
What’s happening at FAU’s College of Medicine is far from unique. Nationwide, medical students and faculty alike are increasingly expected to prove their woke bona fides. But is that really what Florida taxpayers who fund Florida Atlantic University really want? If not, lawmakers should act immediately.
Are you a medical student or professor who has been forced to pay homage to woke ideology? If so, please let us know.