Thank you for your interest in Implicit Bias Training for Michigan Healthcare Professionals, a new and non-woke alternative continuing medical education course that fulfills the implicit bias training mandate in Michigan and beyond.
We are very excited to offer this groundbreaking opportunity. A detailed FAQs document about the course is available here and instructions on how you can access, register, and complete the course are available here.
If you would like to take the course for free, simply complete the form below to become a Do No Harm member. After your membership is submitted, we will send you a code that you can use for a no-cost registration.
PLEASE NOTE: When you join using the form below, you will receive a follow-up email with the discount code and link to the course. If you do not receive one, please check your spam filters in your email account.
Do No Harm is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.