When Dentists Go Woke

Do you want your dentist to discriminate?
Of course not, but the American Association of Public Health Dentistry apparently does. A recent special issue of its flagship journal, Public Health Dentistry, is completely devoted to turning dentists into “anti-racists.” The association is elevating divisive identity politics over providing the best dental care to individual patients.
The Association embraces woke identity politics from the get-go of the new issue, with a note from the journal’s editors:
“To be clear, the root causes of racial inequities are individual and systemic racism… As practitioners and those committed to oral health, we must center anti-racism in our work – to deliver care, train students and residents, improve population-level health, conduct the best scientific research, and advocate and implement effective policies.”
As a reminder, being “anti-racist” means discriminating against patients based on their skin color – something Ibram X. Kendi, the founder of anti-racism, has made explicit.
The rest of the journal doubles down on this radical approach. One article proposes “a structural intersectionality approach to population oral health,” while another “explore[s] dental undergraduates’ understanding, experiences, and responses to racism in a dental school.” The journal issue also lays out anti-racist “solutions” in dental research, education, practice, advocacy, and workforce. The list naturally includes emphasizing race over merit and pushing research to focus on skin color.
The woke move into dentistry proves there’s no part of healthcare this ideology won’t infect. Providers and patients alike should demand that dentists treat their patients equally and fairly, instead of letting wokeness corrupt and even ruin yet another key aspect of medicine.
Have you seen woke politics at your dentist or doctor? Please let us know – anonymously and securely.