More Wokeness at the University of Florida

Forget teaching medicine: The University of Florida College of Medicine wants students to learn to combat systemic racism. To that end, UFCOM has a dedicated page that offers resources for students and faculty. Shocker: The resources are steeped in divisive woke ideas that don’t belong in healthcare.
The resources page is blunt about its purpose: “Like the COVID-19 pandemic, the racism pandemic is a public health emergency that requires us all to act together to promote the safety and well-being of our community at UFCOM and beyond.” It further states, “as healthcare professionals, scientists, and students, we have a calling to be part of the solution.”
Before listing the resources, UFCOM states that “self-education is key.” But an earlier version of the page went much further, stating “please do not further burden your Black friends and colleagues by asking them to expend the energy necessary to educate you. Rather, do the work and use existing resources to learn more on your own.” The page was later stealth-edited to remove this line.
The resources themselves are thoroughly woke. The list includes online “Antiracism Training,” an “Antiracist Reading List,” a “Guide to Allyship,” and more. It also recommends the “Alachua County Truth and Reconciliation Process,” in a reference to the county where UFCOM is located.
What does any of this have to do with teaching medical students? Nothing. But it has everything to do with instilling divisive ideology in the next generation of physicians. That’s the last thing the University of Florida College of Medicine should do.
Is your medical school teaching you to fight “systemic racism”? Please let us know – securely and anonymously.