Testimony and Comments
URGENT: Please Comment on This Federal Transgender Policy

The federal government is asking Americans to share their thoughts on what it should prioritize when it comes to transgender research, among other things. Parents, physicians, and policymakers alike should seize this opportunity to oppose anti-scientific woke research that endangers the physical and mental health of children – and that’s why you should submit an official comment.
Here are the details. On October 18th, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services sent out a “Request for Information on Research Opportunities” focused on “Gender-Affirming Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Populations.” It further states that the “current evidence-based clinical practices are available for health professionals to assist transgender and gender-diverse populations but additional research is needed to advance this area of care.”
That’s absolutely right – but it needs to be true scientific research, not politicized studies with predetermined outcomes. Much of transgender-related research is trending in that dangerous direction, especially when it comes to providing hormone treatments and even sex changes to children.
The federal government is asking for comments from the “scientific research community, clinical practice communities, patient and family advocates, scientific or professional organizations… and other interested constituents.” With such a wide-open door, the government needs to hear from as many people as possible, including you.
Are you willing to submit a comment? If so, please read the official federal request and follow the instructions:
It is strongly encouraged to submit comments by email to SGMRO@nih.gov. Please include “RFI: Gender-Affirming Care Scientific Workshop” in the subject line.
The federal government should not be pushing divisive and ideological research that hurts vulnerable children. It’s time for you to send that message straight to D.C.