Dr. Goldfarb Defends High Standards – And Fights Cancellation
The activists pushing race-based medicine on America don’t just want to lower standards. They want to cancel and silence anyone who disagrees with their demands.
Do No Harm chairman Dr. Stanley Goldfarb knows this all too well, having been fired from the leading medical resource UpToDate after speaking out about the dangers of race-based medicine. Now, in the pages of the journal Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, he’s calling out the woke mob for trying to cancel a leading figure in the history of medicine: Abraham Flexner.
Flexner is being targeted for authoring a famous report in 1910 in which he argued for reforming medical schools to uphold the highest standards. Thanks to him, dozens of poor-quality institutions closed, including many that had a majority of minority students. Yet the results were beneficial for American health care: Medical education churned out better physicians who provided better care and conducted better research, leading to a new era of medical progress.
This fact hasn’t stopped woke activists from attacking Flexner and trying to get him written out of the history books – naturally on the grounds that he was racist. Yet as Dr. Goldfarb writes, all such accusations have been proven untrue:
The argument that he should have kept Black medical schools open simply because they trained Black students but were substandard is absurd and is an insult to the schools like Meharry and Howard, which remained open and produced accomplished physicians.
If we want medical education to have high standards, then we need to do the hard work of eliminating programs and even schools that fail to achieve that standard. Flexner understood that change of that sort was hard and demanded discipline and courage. We must speak the truth and reject mediocrity in medical training. Flexner showed the way.
Dr. Goldfarb is right. Not only should we refuse to lower standards in medicine, like the woke mob demands, but we should defend those who have advocated higher standards. That’s exactly what we’re doing at Do No Harm.
Have you seen someone in the medical profession get canceled by activists? Please let us know – securely and anonymously.