New Lawsuit: End Discrimination at Texas Med Schools

Texas medical schools are discriminating on the basis of race – and that needs to stop. So says a new federal lawsuit filed on January 10th. It seeks to end the practice of so-called “affirmative action” at the Lone Star State’s medical schools and supports equality and fairness in applicant admission decisions.
The plaintiff is George Stewart, who “grew up in Texas with the desire to study science, become a physician and serve others with his gifting.” He “graduated from high school with a 4.39/4.0 GPA and from college at the University of Texas at Austin with a 3.96/4.0 unaudited GPA in Biology.” But he was rejected by six Texas medical schools, “while over 450 lesser qualified minority students, ranging as low as a GPA of 2.82 or an MCAT of 495, were offered admission.”
The lawsuit alleges that what’s really happening at these institutions is blatant racial discrimination:
“Each of the defendant medical schools and universities, along with nearly every medical school and university in the United States, discriminates on account of race and sex when admitting students by giving discriminatory preferences to females and non-Asian minorities, and by discriminating against whites, Asians, and men. This practice, popularly known as “affirmative action,” allows applicants with inferior academic credentials to obtain admission at the expense of rejected candidates with better academic credentials.”
Such discrimination is not only rampant, but also in clear violation of federal law:
“These race and sex preferences are illegal under the clear and unambiguous text of Title VI and Title IX, which prohibit all forms of race and sex discrimination at medical schools and universities that receive federal funds and make no exception for diversity-based affirmative-action programs.”
Do No Harm was quoted as part of a similar argument to the Supreme Court in a 2022 brief in the case Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina. The Court is set to decide that case soon, potentially ending affirmative action at universities nationwide – including medical schools.
Racial discrimination is unacceptable in medical school admission and anywhere else. Here’s hoping the federal courts return the principles of objectivity and merit to the process.
Have you been denied admission to a medical school because of affirmative action? Please let us know – securely and anonymously.