When Ibram Kendi Is Sad, Justice Is Winning
Ibram X. Kendi, the most famous advocate of woke racial discrimination, is sad. That fact is clear in his recent CNN interview, which shows that the fight against wokeism has momentum. That’s a good thing, because when Kendi’s vision of “anti-racism” is losing, that means equality and justice are winning.
Why is Kendi sad? Because “the current campaign against what one conservative commentator calls ‘systemic wokeness’ is an effort to halt the antiracist momentum.” He continues: “The momentum was just crushed by a pretty well-organized force and movement of people who are seeking to conserve racism… [they’ve] tried to change the problem from racism to antiracism.”
False. We (and many others) are fighting against anti-racism precisely because it’s racist. Anti-racism demands that minorities be treated differently, for no other reason than skin color. As Kendi himself has said, “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” Yet racial discrimination is never justified.
Kendi says that amid his grief, “It’s important to care for yourself as well. I’ve been figuring out ways to do that, particularly around my physical and emotional health.” Thank God he has access to a medical system that provides world-class care – treating everyone equally, regardless of race. We’ll keep fighting to protect that system and the principles that make it possible.