The Woke Language Police Have Come For Health Care

You can’t corrupt health care without first controlling medical language. That’s the main takeaway from the AMA and AAMC’s new 54-page brainwashing booklet, “Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative, and Concepts.” Elites want medical students and professionals to use divisive and discriminatory language, knowing full well that politicizing medical words will ultimately lead to a thoroughly political health care system – one in which patient health suffers.
The AMA and AAMC mince no words about why they wrote this document. Health care, they say, is full of “narratives grounded in white supremacy and sustaining structural racism.” That includes “patriarchal narratives” and “narratives that uncritically center meritocracy and individualism.” Instead, they argue, health care needs new language, grounded in “critical race theory… gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine.”
What does this woke mumbo-jumbo mean, practically speaking? It means using politicized language across the board, with the goal of turning medical students and physicians into far-left activists.
The guide is filled with examples. Apparently, medical professionals should talk more about racism, attribute patients’ medical challenges to various oppressors, make the case for political policies and radical worldviews, and more. On the whole, the guide urges the medical profession to focus more on social problems and political debates than medical treatment and care.

Figure 1. From “Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative, and Concepts” (p. 21).
Scholar Robert Graboyes highlights a particularly ridiculous example. Currently, a physician might say: “Low-income people have the highest level of coronary artery disease in the United States.” But the woke guide to medical language says the proper phrasing is this: “People underpaid and forced into poverty as a result of banking policies, real estate developers gentrifying neighborhoods, and corporations weakening the power of labor movements, among others, have the highest level of coronary artery disease in the United States.” This may seem laughable, but the consequences are deadly serious. The corruption of medical language is key to the woke takeover of medicine itself. When your doctor is more focused on supposed racism than treating your individual medical needs, your health will suffer. It’s the latest proof that medicine’s gatekeepers in the AMA and AAMC have given up on protecting health care and patient health. Just the opposite: They’re actively destroying the medical profession and jeopardizing Americans’ well-being.