Press Release
Do No Harm Applauds the Decisions of the United States Supreme Court
Do No Harm applauds the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in the Students for Fair Admissions cases. Today, the Supreme Court affirmed that our Constitution and laws are color-blind; that every person, no matter their skin color, is equal under the law.
For decades, the Supreme Court allowed universities—both public and private—to discriminate against applicants based on their race. It told universities, including medical schools, that racial discrimination is legal so long as they adopt a “diversity” rationale. No more. The Court unambiguously ruled that the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit universities from discriminating against any applicants because of their race, including Asian and white applicants.
The rulings expose racially discriminatory policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, but they apply equally to all universities that receive public funding, including medical schools. Because of these decisions, medical schools can no longer racially discriminate against applicants.
“Do No Harm celebrates these landmark decisions with students all over the country who have suffered discrimination because of their race,” said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm. “Do No Harm will monitor universities to ensure compliance with the Court’s race-neutral mandate. If universities resist these rulings and continue to racially discriminate, Do No Harm is prepared to take legal action on behalf of its members.”