The University of Florida College of Medicine Hits the “Delete” Button on a Discriminatory Visiting Scholars Program

The University of Florida College of Medicine (UFCOM) in Jacksonville has done some housekeeping on its website since a federal civil rights investigation into a discriminatory scholar program was opened.
In October 2022,Do No Harm senior fellow Mark Perry filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) regarding UFCOM Jacksonville’s Visiting Elective Scholars Program in the Department of Pediatrics (archived page here). The complaint cited violations of both Title VI and Title IX, as eligibility to apply was limited to “Individuals belonging to a group considered underrepresented in medicine (Black/African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, and LGBTQ+).”

OCR referred the case for investigation, which was opened on April 10, 2023. However, a recent review of the UFCOM-Jacksonville website shows that it has been scrubbed clean of any evidence of the program, with no indication that it has been moved to another location.

UFCOM has used this tactic before. Last November, in response to media coverage of our comprehensive report, UFCOM permanently removed divisive and ideological material from its admissions homepage and DEI-related resources.
If you are aware of a scholarship, fellowship, or other program that violates federal civil rights laws at your school or institution, please inform us. Do No Harm will conduct a review and will take appropriate action if the program is discriminating on the basis of race or sex.