Parent Resource: Protect Children from Gender Ideology
This list of resources is intended to provide parents with a starting place as they perform their own research into issues related to gender ideology in minors.
Do No Harm is not a medical service provider or agency and does not provide medical, mental health, or social service referrals or advice. Do No Harm provides resources that are generally available to members of the public but does not provide individualized referrals, advice, or assistance and does not promote or endorse particular care providers. While Do No Harm attempts to direct the public to information about relevant resources, it is not equipped to help individuals with case work and does not provide any referrals.
Information in italics is quoted from the associated websites.
Do No Harm Publications
- Reassigned: Europe’s Safer, More Scientific Route. Report.
- This report identifies the different legal requirements for gender change-related treatments and actions between the U.S. and Western and Northern European countries. Most information contains references with web links to original sourcing. Some information was procured through consultation with local experts, often though not exclusively an individual affiliated with a gender clinic. In the interest of their privacy, their identities are kept anonymous.
- The Justice for Adolescent and Child Transitioners Act (JUST FACTs Act) by David H. Thompson, Brian W. Barnes, and John D. Ramer of Cooper & Kirk, PLLC. White paper.
- In the face of the failure of medical organizations to properly safeguard children from these baseless and dangerous treatments, it is the duty of the Legislature to step in and protect the children and adolescents of this State. To that end, this draft legislation contains the necessary provisions to offer that protection and to provide justice for those children and adolescents who have already been harmed by these treatments.
- The Justice for Adolescent and Child Transitioners Act (JUST FACTs Act). Model legislation.
2024 releases
- A Practical Response to Gender Distress: Tips and Tools for Families by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger (March 2024). Link here.
- Transgender issues have become ubiquitous in schools, entertainment, medicine, etc. and many do not know how to approach this sensitive issue. Due to the dominance of a one-sided approach, parents are ill-equipped to discuss this topic with their children or effectively advocate for their well-being.
- Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness by Miriam Grossman, MD (2023). Link here.
- Dr. Miram Grossman is a child and adolescent psychiatrist whose practice consists of trans-identified youth and their families. In Lost in Trans Nations, she implores parents to reject the advice of gender experts and politicians and trust their guts – their parental instincts – in the face of an onslaught of ideologically driven misinformation that steers them and their children toward risky decisions they may end up mourning for the rest of their lives.
- When Kids Say They’re Trans: A Guide for Parents by Sasha Ayad, Lisa Marchiano, and Stella O’Malley (October 2023). Amazon link here.
- Written by three mental health professionals who collectively have decades of experience working with adolescents struggling with issues of gender, Is My Child Trans? is a resource designed for those parents who do not think that hasty affirmation or medicalization is the best way to ensure the long-term health and well-being of their child – or who simply wish to explore other approaches.
- Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier (2020). Amazon link here.
- Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has dug deep into the trans epidemic, talking to the girls, their agonized parents, and the counselors and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to “detransitioners” – young women who bitterly regret what they have done to themselves.
- Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult by Maria Keffler (2021). Amazon link here.
- Based on sound principles of psychology and child development, as well as on strategies used by parents who have pulled their children back from the gender cult’s destructive ideology, Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult provides a roadmap to help families navigate the treacherous terrain of gender indoctrination, and bring their children back to reality and safety.
- Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids by Josie A. and Dina S. (2023). Amazon link here. See related Substack link below.
- A medical scandal is currently unfolding across Western liberal societies. As Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans reveals, the primary victims are vulnerable, socially awkward kids with normally developing bodies who fall for the Internet-fueled promise that they can solve their emotional, psychological, or physical discomfort by adopting an opposite-sex identity. With deep reservations about the new gender orthodoxy that informs this promise and the irreversible one-size-fits-all medical prescription that comes with it, the parent contributors to this anthology share deeply personal stories about transition and desistance that won’t be told at the gender clinic. They also offer practical advice based on hard-earned experience that won’t be found in mainstream media. Whether progressive or conservative, gay or straight, secular or religious, they all share the aim of protecting children from the physical and emotional harms of the gender industry and seek to empower and encourage other parents and individuals to combat gender ideology at home, in schools, in clinics, and beyond.
- Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality by Helen Joyce (2021). Amazon link here.
- Gender identity ideology is about more than Twitter storms and using the right pronouns. In just 10 years, laws, company policies, school and university curricula, sport, medical protocols, and the media have been reshaped to privilege self-declared gender identity over biological sex.
- Biological Integrity. (a project of the American College of Pediatricians)
- Biological Integrity is a reliable medical resource on the topic of gender dysphoria for parents, teens, physicians, schools, and policymakers. The American College of Pediatricians is a national organization of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children.
- Genspect. Genspect
- Genspect is an international organization that promotes a healthy approach to sex and gender. Our team includes professionals, trans people, detransitioners, and parent groups who campaign for high-quality care for gender-related distress. We advocate for a non-medicalised approach to gender identity.
- Partners for Ethical Care. PEC
- Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.
- Advocates Protecting Children. APC
- At Advocates, we fight for the abolition of the gender industry including the end of gender clinics’ and cosmetic surgeon’s unethical medicalization of children. We support individuals, families, churches, businesses, and organizations by providing facts, robust research, and evidence-based information about the mental and physical health of children who suffer gender dysphoria.
- Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine. SEGM
- Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical, and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.
- Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics. ReIME
- ReIME is a non-profit education and research organization dedicated to improving ethical long term care and treatment for gender non-conforming children and youth.
- Our Duty: An international support group. Our Duty
- Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.
- The Paradox Institute. TPI
- We teach others about the biological and psychological differences between males and females and why they are important in illustrated animated videos, articles, and podcasts. “Myths of Gender-Affirming Care” pamphlet.
- The Manhattan Institute. MI.
- The Health content area contains article by Leor Sapir and other fellows on gender issues.
- ROGD Boys. ROGD Boys.
- A coalition of parents, health experts, professional educators, and others concerned with the medicalization of young men and boys suffering from gender identity confusion—and how that population’s reasons for identifying as transgender are often misunderstood and overgeneralized.
Documentaries and Video Resources
- Trans Madness: The Way Out by Dr. Miriam Grossman
- Lecture given at Hillsdale College (February 15, 2024) regarding gender dysphoria and adolescents. View the presentation here.
- Trans Kids: It’s Time to Talk. Vimeo link here.
- Information on the film from Genspect can be found here.
- No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care by Affirmation Generation (2023). Streaming purchase link here.
- Information about the documentary and medical articles cited in the film can be found here.
- Trans Kids: It’s Time to Talk. Vimeo link here.
- Information on the film from Genspect can be found here.
- Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender? Vimeo link here.
- Information on the film from the Family Research Council can be found here.
- The Trans Train: A Swedish documentary. YouTube link here.
- Information on the film from Genspect can be found here.
- Dysphoric: A four-part documentary series. Information from Genspect can be found here.
Support Groups
- Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) Kids: Website link here.
- We are a group of parents whose children have suddenly – seemingly out of the blue – decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning. This is a new phenomenon that has only recently been identified. Researchers are calling it Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), and it is epidemic among our most vulnerable youth.
- Gender Dysphoria Support Network: Website link here.
- The GDSN offers support groups to relatives and friends so that they can share their experiences in order to resolve common challenges. The main purpose of the GDSN is to help families that have been impacted by gender dysphoria. We do this by meeting regularly and by providing information, understanding and encouragement to our members. We meet in small groups so that everyone has a chance to speak.
Podcasts and Substacks
- Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast. Website link here.
- Take a deep dive with us into a psychological exploration of body, mind, identity, culture, and psyche.
- The Witness: True Stories of Children and Gender Identity by Partners for Ethical Care. Audible link here.
- Conversations about gender identity are happening in homes and hospitals, therapy offices and classrooms. This podcast invites you to bear witness to how gender identity impacts children and families. All of the testimonies that you will hear have been anonymously shared with Partners for Ethical Care. These stories have been shared by Individuals who have agreed to have their experiences published in order to bring awareness and to document what is happening. Recorded voices are only representational and are not the writers actual voices.
- Gender Clinic News (GCN). Substack link here.
- Why has there been a dramatic spike in often troubled children and teenagers declaring a transgender identity and seeking puberty blocker drugs, synthetic hormones and surgery? A growing number of people all around the world are asking this question. It raises issues fundamental to a healthy society, yet much of mainstream media has missed the story or worse, engaged in uncritical promotion of medicalised gender change.
- Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT). Substack link here.
- PITT is a space for parents that have been impacted by gender ideology to share their uncensored stories, experiences, and thoughts, while remaining anonymous to protect themselves and their families. Our objective is to inform the public about the devastating impact of gender ideology on our families through our personal experiences.
Help with Navigating School
- An Urgent Conversation by Restore Childhood.
- A toolkit for parents, educators and all concerned citizens to navigate the school-to-clinic gender pipeline.
- Parental Notice concerning issues related to Gender Identity Ideology at school by Dr. Miriam Grossman (website):
- Sample letter template.
- Brief Guidance series from Genspect. Includes:
- Brief Guidance on Social Transition: This guidance offers recommendations based on the principles of child safeguarding so that schools can avoid further, more complicated challenges in the future. Changes to school policies intended to provide support for a select few members of the student body can often indirectly impact other students within the school. Consequently, legal issues, psychological issues, risk assessments, impact assessments and safeguarding issues are often more appropriately evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Brief Guidance for Schools: Today’s school communities include gender non-conforming students and students with different sexual orientations. This gives schools a wonderful opportunity to celebrate diversity and uniqueness, to empower young people to transcend stereotypes, and to encourage everyone to be themselves.
- Brief Guidance for Colleges and Universities: Our brief guidance outlines the various ways your college or university can help create an authentically supportive atmosphere for everyone. We want to assist in ensuring that no individual’s rights impinge upon the rights of others. We also offer background on the highest quality scientific literature, so that the policies you adopt are grounded in good research.
- Navigating the Transgender Landscape – School Resource Guide by the Child & Parental Rights Campaign: CPRC.
- The Guide give school boards, administrators, teachers, and counselors sound social, medical, and legal information to develop sound policies to respond effectively to the transgender phenomenon.
- Parents Defending Education: PDE.
- Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom – and for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.
Legal Resources
- Child & Parental Rights Campaign: CPRC.
- Child & Parental Rights Campaign is a nonprofit public-interest law firm founded to defend parents’ rights to shield their children from the impacts of gender identity ideology.
- Alliance Defending Freedom: ADF.
- ADF is the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights.
- Campbell, Miller & Payne: CMP.
- Justice for the Detransitioner Community: At Campbell Miller Payne, our experienced legal team is dedicated to fiercely advocating for our clients’ rights while providing compassionate support.
Resources for Therapists
- Gender Dysphoria: A Therapeutic Model for Working with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults by Susan Evans: Amazon link here.
- This book is aimed primarily at clinicians working in the field to provide a model for understanding, assessing, and treating gender dysphoria. The model uses a psychoanalytic framework to help explain disturbed states of mind and how psychic defences can be enlisted unconsciously to avoid overwhelming psychic pain. This offers professionals a way of trying to think with, and offer understanding to, their trans identifying clients. Clinical examples are given to illustrate these processes and promote the understanding of transgender children, adolescents, and young people and their internal worlds, their thinking, and their interpersonal relationships. As well as clinical exploration and understanding, the book includes an overview of the current political, social, and clinical environments which have all impacted on the clinical care of trans identifying individuals.
- Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children by Hannah Barnes: Amazon link here.
- This urgent, scrupulous and dramatic book explains how, in the words of some former staff, GIDS has been the site of a serious medical scandal, in which ideological concerns took priority over clinical practice. Award-winning journalist Hannah Barnes has had unprecedented access to thousands of pages of documents, including internal emails and unpublished reports, and well over a hundred hours of personal testimony from GIDS clinicians, former service users and senior Tavistock figures. The result is a disturbing and gripping parable for our times.
- Thoughtful Therapists: Website link here.
- We are a group of counsellors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists from across the UK and Ireland with a shared concern about the impact of gender identity ideology on children and young people.
- Therapy First: Website link here.
- Therapy First is a nonprofit professional association of over 300 mental health providers worldwide who view psychotherapy as the appropriate first-line treatment for gender dysphoria. We aim to support psychotherapists working with gender dysphoric children, adolescents, and young adults in providing high quality, evidence-based mental healthcare, and to offer public education on mental health and psychotherapy.
Resources for Detransitioners
- Parents of Desisters: Website link here.
- Beyond Trans: Website link here.
- Sex Change Regret: Website link here.
- Post Trans Project: Website link here.
- Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network: Website link – GCCAN
- GCCAN is a consumer rights group for any person who has previously or is currently receiving gender care related services. Our aim is to empower consumers of gender-transition related care to get the best health care possible.
A reader assumes full responsibility for any actions taken based on information obtained from this website. In particular, we emphasize that the information available through this site should not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information, from this or any other source, needs carefully to be reviewed with your trusted healthcare provider before being acted upon in any way.