Testimony and Comments
A Mother Testifies to the Arizona State Legislature About the Consequences of Gender Transition
The following testimony was given before the Arizona legislature on March 11, 2024. Read this mother’s powerful story about her son’s experience and her concerns for his long-term health.
As the mother of a young adult son who is now trans identified and medically transitioning with anti-androgens and cross sex hormones, I worry about his long-term health and well-being. While researching the issue, finding little in published medical evidence regarding the health implications, I began to encounter both trans-identified and detransitioned adults suffering health consequences.
In February 2021, I met Forrest, a 25-year-old man, through social media who had begun the process of detransitioning. This is the act of reverting to presenting as one’s birth sex after medical transition – many aspects of transition cannot be reversed. In addition to the cross-sex hormones, Medicaid and insurance had paid for this young man to have breast implants and an orchiectomy, which is the removal of his testes. He no longer produces his own sex hormones which are critical for health. Soon after the surgery, he decided to detransition, but was denied coverage for the removal of the breast implants or the procedure of testicular implants for cosmetic reasons. Both of these procedures are still fully covered for cross sex appearance, but not if your “gender journey” takes you back to attempting to live as your birth sex. This story and others led me to draft and propose legislation to help this young man and others who are experiencing insurance discrimination when detransitioning.
In a Reuters article on detransitioners from December of 2022, even WPATH is quoted as saying “many detransitioners expressed difficulties finding help during their detransition process and reported their detransition was an isolating experience during which they did not receive either sufficient or appropriate support.”
How many trans identified patients detransition? We have no idea. How many are enough to deserve care? On the sub-Reddit, r/detrans, there are now 53,000 participants. While we know not all are in the process of detransition, how many are enough to deserve care and coverage? Lisa Littman’s study, Individuals Treated for Gender Dysphoria with Medical and/or Surgical Transition Who Subsequently Detransitioned: A Survey of 100 Detransitioners [Archives of Sexual Behavior, November 2021, showed that 75% of detransitioners did not return to their providers to report their detransition.
Per the Williams Institute 2022 study, there are over 41,000 trans identified adults in Arizona and over 7,000 between the ages of 13-17. How many will seek to return to living as their birth sex? We have no idea, however, with the recent rise in those who seek transition related drugs and surgeries, no matter what we believe to be the true rate of detransition, the actual number of those seeking care to detransition will also inevitably rise. Ensuring insurance coverage cannot wait until we know. This vulnerable group deserves our help NOW and I will not stop fighting for Forrest and my son’s health and wellbeing.