Press Release
Trump Administration Takes Action to Restrict Harmful Child Sex Change Procedures

RICHMOND, VA; January 28, 2025 – On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order to protect minors from harmful sex change interventions.
The executive order halts taxpayer funding of these procedures through federal grants and health benefit programs, and directs federal agencies to take appropriate action to restrict access to child sex change interventions.
These actions are essential to protect our country’s children. Child sex change procedures are not supported by existing evidence, and they carry unknown dangers and uncertain long-term effects.
“Children and teenagers will be better protected, and parents will be better informed, thanks to President Trump’s comprehensive executive order to limit the availability of and end taxpayer involvement in experimental, unscientific medical sex change interventions performed on minors,” said Kristina Rasmussen, Executive Director of Do No Harm. “We commend President Trump for putting in place a robust regulatory framework that prioritizes safety, scientific integrity, and family autonomy.”
First, the executive order cuts off taxpayer funding of these procedures by directing federal agencies to “immediately take appropriate steps” to prevent institutions receiving federal research or education grants from performing child sex change interventions. Agencies are further instructed to end reliance on standards of care drafted by the activist organization WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Care).
The executive order directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to “take all appropriate actions” to end child sex change interventions. The order then tasks HHS to come up with guidance protecting whistleblowers who speak up regarding compliance with this order.
Crucially, the order targets federal health benefit programs, directing the Secretary of Defense to exclude child sex change procedures from coverage through TRICARE and directing the Office of Personnel Management to exclude coverage for child sex change procedures, including transgender surgeries and cross-sex hormones, from certain federal health benefit programs.
Moreover, the executive order directs the Department of Justice to “prioritize investigations and take appropriate action to end deception of consumers” relating to the long-term effects of transition drugs and procedures.
Do No Harm applauds these actions as valuable steps toward protecting children from these harmful practices.