Do No Harm welcomes anyone who wants to keep ideology out of healthcare. Every American’s health and well-being is at stake – so we need to do everything in our power to roll back the division and discrimination that are hurting medicine and ruining lives. Your voice and values are essential.

By joining Do No Harm, you’ll take a stand on one of the most critical issues of our time. And together, we will make the difference America needs. The future of healthcare – and your own health – depends on it.

Do No Harm is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


My employer has mandatory DEI training and I refused to do it. They expect me to walk into a 70-year-old man’s room and ask him what his pronouns are. I absolutely refused to do this or the training. So far I haven’t been fired or anything but I’m concerned that this could change in the coming months.

When the leaders of the American College of Surgeons banned me for life for objecting to their embrace of antiracism and DEI, I was totally isolated and silenced. Do No Harm gave me indispensable support and a voice with which to push back against illiberal progressive ideology in medicine.

In the media and across academic medicine, science and the English language are under attack. Genetic and biologic sex are referred to as “Gender Assigned at Birth.” Pregnant women must be termed “Pregnant People.” Do No Harm stands for science, logic and evidence-based medicine.