January Littlejohn
Parent Advocate
January Littlejohn is a wife and stay-at-home mom to three children in Tallahassee, FL. She has a master’s degree in counseling and is also a licensed mental health counselor. Her 13-year-old daughter was socially transitioned at her middle school in 2020 without her knowledge or consent. In 2021, she and her husband filed a federal lawsuit against the school district for parental rights violations. January is devoted to educating parents, school officials, legislators, and mental health professionals on the dangers of gender ideology and the affirmation-only approach in medicine. She helps parents whose children have fallen prey to this ideology find resources and treatment options to support their family.
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Meet January Littlejohn, Parent Advocate
January Littlejohn is a wife and stay-at-home mom to three children in Tallahassee, FL. She has a master’s degree in counseling and is also a licensed mental health counselor. Her…