Tabia Lee, EdD

Senior Fellow

Tabia Lee, EdD, a founding member of Free Black Thought, has contributed to the design, implementation, and evaluation of numerous educational and professional development programs. Her commitment to teacher education and pedagogical design is grounded in her experience as a lifelong educator and a National Board Certified English, Civics, and Social Studies teacher in urban American public middle schools. Dr. Lee prepares K-12 and higher education faculty to work with diverse communities by focusing on better understanding ideology-in-practice and the pedagogical and curricular implications of race, gender, and other ideologies. Her Race Ideologies Resource Site may be found here.

Authored Content


  • October 23, 2023

When ‘Critical Social Justice’ Rules on Campus

When I started in 2021, I made it a priority to create an inclusive learning environment for all students, including Jews, only to be stymied by some colleagues and administrators…