Stand with physicians and patients to keep radical ideology out of healthcare. Promote fairness and equal access to healthcare for everyone, without exception. 

The woke takeover of healthcare is further along than you think. It’s time to shine a light on this rapidly growing crisis – and overcome it together.

Please consider supporting us at whatever financial level works best for you.


As a psychiatrist, I’ve personally seen “anti-racism” in healthcare promote division and discrimination, undermining patient care. It’s pervasive in education, research, and practice, favoring ideology over equity. We need balanced approaches that ensure true equality and respect for all.

Do No Harm’s support during my medical education was invaluable. They provided quick and unwavering support when I faced harassment for simply hosting open discussions on controversial topics at my medical school.

Kudos to Mr. Kingsbury for the article in today’s WSJ [Israel Takes the E Out of DEI – March 8, 2024]. It should have been on the front page! As a former Air Force pilot, the last paragraph struck me – and brought home the total depravity of the “equity” ideology that can so easily destroy a nation.