Stand with physicians and patients to keep radical ideology out of healthcare. Promote fairness and equal access to healthcare for everyone, without exception. 

The woke takeover of healthcare is further along than you think. It’s time to shine a light on this rapidly growing crisis – and overcome it together.

Please consider supporting us at whatever financial level works best for you.


It’s shocking that we have been forced into even having to argue these biological points of gender. I applaud others who have already stated that “do no harm” includes all people worldwide. This is insulting to health care professionals – setting the record straight is imperative.

I have joined your mission because it is necessary for everyone to understand the demise of health from an allopathic system like the US. I’ve had numerous personal experiences where harm was apparent and “do no harm” was not in the equation.

My employer has mandatory DEI training and I refused to do it. They expect me to walk into a 70-year-old man’s room and ask him what his pronouns are. I absolutely refused to do this or the training. So far I haven’t been fired or anything but I’m concerned that this could change in the coming months.