Anti-racism supersedes actual medicine, endangers patients

Ibram X. Kendi’s gravy train could soon screech to a halt. The famous “anti-racist” professor is under intense public and institutional scrutiny after a Boston University investigation revealed that his “Center for Antiracist Research” squandered tens of millions of dollars, producing practically no research.
But while the ideologue is disgraced, his ideological fingerprint remains impressed upon academia. Nowhere is anti-racism’s influence more concerning than medical research, where racialized pseudoscience has effectively replaced scientific rigor in making sense of matters of life or death.
Anti-racism asserts that race-blind policies allow bigoted attitudes and beliefs to flourish, and that disparities across racial groups must be evidence of racism. In accordance with the ideology, leading healthcare organizations now uncritically and reflexively claim that health disparities across racial groups must be the result of racism disguised or fueled by race-neutral policies.
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