Top Medical Association Academic Blames Health Care Problems On ‘Cisgenderism’

A top employee for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) said that he had dedicated his career to unpacking people’s “invisible knapsacks” of white privilege, and blamed problems with American health care on “isms” like “cisgenderism.”

Do No Harm senior director of programs Laura Morgan criticized Alberti’s comments, saying he was “the product of a politicized higher education system that taught him illogical concepts that do not have a legitimate place in medical schools like ‘the invisible knapsack of white privilege.’”

Do No Harm released a report last month that exposed the AAMC’s embrace of DEI.

A report from The Daily Wire last week revealed the membership costs of being a part of the AAMC, which has 171 members in both the United States and Canada. An invoice obtained by Do No Harm showed that the University of Utah School of Medicine paid over $75,000 for a full year of membership. 

Read more on The Daily Wire.