Do No Harm is proud to stand with Rick McCarthy as he cancels his membership in the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT). 

Rick felt deep concern with CAMFT’s aggressive approach to so-called “gender affirming care” in its December 2022 issue of The Therapist. In response, he wrote a Letter to the Editor detailing those concerns and it was printed, in full, in the March 2023 issue. 

What followed can only be called a capitulation to radical activists within the organization who sought to cancel McCarthy rather than engage in a robust dialogue about a critical issue facing its members. Not only was his letter fully retracted, but CAMFT wrote a lengthy apology to its members for publishing it in the first place. 

And it didn’t stop there – but we’ll let Rick’s powerful open letter to the President of CAMFT canceling his membership tell the full story. 

Please read it, share it with your networks, and if you are a member of CAMFT, we encourage you to let them know your thoughts as well. 

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