Laura Morgan MSN, RN

Senior Director of Programs - DEI

Laura is a Registered Nurse with more than 40 years of experience in a variety of clinical settings. Her background includes emergency department, critical care, home health nursing, and clinical education. She advocates for merit and achievement in healthcare education, medical professionalism, and the highest standards of individual care for patients.

Authored Content


  • January 24, 2024

S2E2: The Silencing of Nurses Who Challenge DEI

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is joined by guest host and registered nurse Laura Morgan. Together, they discuss the recent push to indoctrinate medical professionals on DEI and so-called gender-affirming care.


  • September 6, 2023

Wokeness Has Infected the Mayo Clinic

In 39 years as a practicing nurse, I urged hundreds if not thousands of patients to consider seeking additional care at the Mayo Clinic. The famous medical center, based in Minnesota…


  • February 24, 2023

The DEI Bureaucracy in Tennessee’s Medical Schools

Woke ideologies are reshaping medical education in the Volunteer State University medical schools, university-affiliated medical centers and academic science programs around the country have become infused with diversity, equity, and…


  • February 8, 2023

The Progressive Takeover of Texas Medical Education

Texas is home to several public and private schools of medicine, with campuses located in every region of the state. Although the Lone Star State is often associated with more…


  • November 22, 2022

Dedicated to DEI: The University of Florida College of Medicine

University of Florida College of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville

The University of Florida College of Medicine is a large and influential medical school that graduates 130 to 150 students a year. Its Gainesville and Jacksonville campuses feed ten teaching…


  • September 30, 2022

Implicit Bias Training Cost Me My Nursing Job

I was fired from my nursing job this year for refusing to take “implicit bias” training. After 39 years of providing equal care to all my patients without regard to…


  • September 1, 2022

Only DEI Advocates Need Apply

Elite medical schools are taking as much of an interest in training advocates for “diversity, equity and inclusion,” or DEI, as they are in training physicians. As this report shows,…