Healthcare Watchdog Crafts ‘Bill of Rights’ for Youths Escaping Transgenderism

A medical watchdog organization has launched a “Detransitioner Bill of Rights” — model legislation aimed at supporting people who seek to detransition from experimental sex change drugs and procedures they received as minors.

Do No Harm, a medical organization dedicated to opposing woke gender and racial ideologies in medicine, announced the model legislation last week, calling it “groundbreaking,” and the “first-of-its-kind.” 

“The Detransitioner Bill of Rights represents a crucial step in protecting the rights and well-being of children who have been subjected to experimental sex change treatments,” said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Do No Harm chairman. “Medical professionals should publicly acknowledge the plight of detransitioners and research ways to help and support those who regret undergoing these procedures.”

Read more on Breitbart.