Protecting Minors from Gender Ideology

Do No Harm: the core of the Hippocratic oath and the role of medical professionals.

Nowhere is this commitment more important than the care of our children and teenagers, which is why we’re fighting to curtail the unscientific and individually harmful practice of so-called “gender affirming care.”

“Gender-affirming care” is based on the dangerous premise that any child who has distress that he or she thinks is related to their sex should automatically be treated with social transition to the sex of their choice followed by hormonal interventions and then possibly surgery to remove healthy body parts. Underlying mental health problems are usually not addressed.

The refusal to approach each child on an individual basis is reason enough to oppose the movement toward “gender-affirming care.”

Yet there’s another reason it deserves criticism: It ignores the impossibility for informed consent of the children who are subjected to this approach. Put simply, young children and adolescents are inappropriately being allowed to make potentially irreversible life-altering decisions, in many cases without parental consent or engagement.

These procedures can lead to impairment in bone strength and brain maturation, and loss of fertility and the ability to engage in sexual relations.

It is dangerous and destructive to let children, whose minds are still developing, make such life-altering decisions at such young ages – especially since 90% of children who believe they are a different sex no longer hold that view as adults if left to develop on their own without medical interventions.

Beyond that is the glaring lack of scientific research – a key component to sound, evidence-based medical treatment.

Pro-“gender affirming care” activists are shutting down debate, spreading misinformation, bullying those who express concern, and seeking to discredit actual scientific evidence detailing the risks of this “gender affirming care.”

Do No Harm is committed to ensuring that children who believe they have Gender Identity Disorder are treated with the utmost care, caution, and concern. We will fight to protect children from the dangerous ideology of “gender-affirming care.”

The resources below are the first step. Please review and reach out if you have any questions or would like to join our efforts.

A reader assumes full responsibility for any actions taken based on information obtained from this website. In particular, we emphasize that the information available through this site should not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information, from this or any other source, needs to be carefully reviewed with your trusted healthcare provider before being acted upon in any way.

Do No Harm Experts

Submit Your Concern

Have you seen divisive ideology or discrimination at your healthcare employer, medical school, or medical provider? Or have you seen children or adolescents given inappropriate medical treatments related to their gender issues? Let us know anonymously.

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    Do No Harm is not a legal or social service agency and cannot provide legal, medical, or social services referrals. While we will attempt to direct you to relevant resources, Do No Harm is not equipped to help individuals with case work, but rather is designed to assist advocates, policymakers, and members of the media. Note that we may be unable to direct you to relevant resources in your area.

    Our staff may reach out to you via email, text message, or a phone call for additional information concerning any comments that you submit to Do No Harm. There is no obligation to respond to any inquiry from Do No Harm. We also value your privacy, and will never quote you or share your name without your permission. You can decide whether to share information on the record, in which case the information you share may be published or quoted by Do No Harm.