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Congratulations for your great work in drawing attention to so many issues in medicine that are problematic because of the one-sidedness and illiberal approach to so many things. Politics used to be kept out of the workplace, at least so I was told in my younger days, but no longer it seems.

I am retired from Family Medicine after 42+ years of caring for adults, adolescents, and children in our community. I am embarrassed and angered that our professional has been infected with so many malignant ideologies. Specifically, the so-called “transgender movement” is an abomination.

Do No Harm provides incredibly meaningful encouragement, wisdom and perspective for those of us in medicine today. So many thanks to all of you!…

Dr Goldfarb, thank you, for being a voice for what many of us wish we could express openly.

We have been taught over the years to use evidenced based practice and yet here we are experimenting on children. There is no evidence what the long term effects are.

When the media made claims regarding “gender fluidity”, I was appalled. When it reached medical schools and I heard we were training doctors to believe and practice blatant lies, I was relieved to join this organization and help out.

I’m glad to see someone is bringing attention to this matter. (gender ideology)…

Very excited to have found you. So many of us don’t know where to go in the fight against this. At a time when the news of this insanity is becoming increasingly overwhelming, you are an outlet sorely needed. I’ll do my best to spread the word of you.

Had anyone told me not 10 years ago that a radical ideology would reduce medicine and the hard sciences to a toxic obsession with peoples’ accidents of birth, I would not have believed it. Yet here we are: through the looking glass. Do No Harm is essential in the fight for normalcy. Thank you.

I am heartened to know that there are other healthcare professionals pushing back against this idiocy…Thank you for taking a stand against this corrosive ideology.

Have been concerned by the takeover of medical institutions and organizations by woke ideology, and I admire how quickly you have become a force in resisting this.

The craziness of Wokeism has appeared so clearly and violently that I cannot ignore it anymore. I hope by joining Do No Harm, I can immunize myself from this toxic Wokeism and truly focus on who I want to become; a skillful and caring physician.

I have seen and experienced the lessening of standards in the medical training programs. The censorship of reasonable ideas and opinions in the medical profession will block new clinical improvements. I feel the need to speak up and keep American medicine the best in the world.

I am a retired doctor and share the same concerns as your organization. I found out about your organization after reading the WSJ article by Laura Morgan. I admire her for taking a stand.